Saturday, June 17, 2000

Yes, that's me there to the left.  L was nice enough to let me use her scanner a couple weeks ago.

Summer so far has been disappointing.  My job at the Library, which all winter seemed like the perfect part-time job (sitting around all day on my butt; reshelving 10-15 books every hour or so) has now become the world's most boring full-time job.  I'm sick of chatting about the winning the lotto and Foxwoods Casino with my coworkers.  I'm thinking of looking for another part-time job, and cutting back my hours at the library.  I don't want to quit, I just don't want to be there five days a week.  Also, I need more money.

Here's a little tidbit for all of you out there in cyberland that I would never ever tell my friends: I put a couple of personal ads out on the Internet.  So far I've had a few responses, most of them from nice-sounding guys who are 10+ years older than myself.  There's one guy, about my age actually, who I was supposed to call so we could go out for a drink or something... I kind of chickened out at the last minute, although I guess it's not too late.  Online dating is very, very weird.

I went back to the personal ads site last night (a little tipsy, I admit,) deleted all the bland boring shit about "I really like doing this and that, and these are my favorite bands, blah blah blah" and wrote something stupid like:

I really don't have the energy to portray myself in a positive light, so I'll just come clean and let you know that I'm a cynical, grumpy wiseass.  If you want to hang out with me, be prepared to do something dumb like go to garage sales or rent Planet of the Apes, even though we've both seen it 300 times.

I like it much better.  I also put up a better picture.  We'll see who bites this time.

It's incredibly hot and sticky today.  I did my laundry in the coin-operated equivalent of Dante's Inferno, then I ran down to the Back Bay to meet my friend D--. (We had to talk about the photos I took for his new CD.)  On my way to the subway, I got caught in a downpour, and discovered that the umbrella I stole from the hallway was in even worse condition than my own umbrella (currently missing. Also, it's held together with safety pins.)  So, I put the umbrella away, took off my shirt, and let the rain soak through my tank top.  It was really nice, actually.

Now it's about 9PM and I'm wondering where the day went.  One of the nasty things about being out of school is that suddenly my two days of leisure per week seem like the most precious commodity on earth..  I'm so worried about enjoying them fully that I don't enjoy them at all.  Ick.  I really have to find some more freelance web work.  I think I'm going to go tackle the weight set, take a nice cool shower and rent a movie.